
For any infrastructures, it is of utmost importance to have research resulting from their exploitment acknowledged.

In published material, please acknowledge the use of CERM/CIRMMP infrastructure, expertise and resource contributions and the specific project that provided support, if any:

 "The authors acknowledge the support and the use of resources of Instruct-ERIC, a Landmark ESFRI project, and specifically the CERM/CIRMMP Italy Centre"

"The authors acknowledge the support by the Italian Ministry for University and Research (FOE funding) to the CERM/CIRMMP Italian Centre of Instruct-ERIC, a landmark ESFRI project."

The list of the active projects is here

In published material resulting from/contributing to ITACA.SB also add:

ITACA.SB “Potentiating the Italian Capacity for Structural Biology Services in Instruct-ERIC (Project no. IR0000009) within the call MUR 3264/2021 PNRR M4/C2/L3.1.1, funded by the European Union – Next Generation EU


If your publication includes the results of an access project, please include the PID and quote the access funding source, citing your Proposal ID (PID) which you were given:  

"This work benefited of the support and the use of resources of Instruct-ERIC, and specifically of the CERM/CIRMMP Italy Centre (PID  xxxxx)"

"This work benefited from access (PID xxx) to the CERM/CIRMMP Infrastructure, part of the ESFRI Landmark Instruct-ERIC"

"This work benefited from access (PID xxx) to the CERM/CIRMMP Infrastructure, part of the ESFRI Landmark Instruct-ERIC and of the Instruct-ITALIA national consortium"

"This work benefited from NMR access to CERM/CIRMMP infrastructure (PID  xxx) supported by iNEXT-Discovery, project number 871037, funded by the Horizon 2020 program of the European Commission"

"This work benefited from NMR access to CERM/CIRMMP infrastructure (PID xxx) supported by PANACEA, project number 101008500, funded by the Horizon 2020 program of the European Commission"

"This work benefited of the support and the use of resources of Instruct-ERIC, and specifically of the CERM/CIRMMP Italy Centre (PID: xxx). The work was also supported by iNEXT-Discovery (No. 871037), an EC H2020 project, for the access to the NMR instrumentation (PID: xxx)"