The program requires one input file, called PARC.DAT, in which the values for the following parameters must appear, 1. the name of the output file; 2. the metal nuclear spin I; 3. the gamma_I value of the observed nucleus in rad (s T)^{-1}; 4. the electron spin S; 5. the choice of T_1^{-1} or T_2^{-1} calculation to be performed; 6. the range of magnetic fields (or proton Larmor frequencies); 7. the number of points in the curve that have to be generated; 8. the number of profiles at different temperatures; 9. the values of the temperature 10.the parameters relative to the metal: a. tau_e (in s) or, as an alternative, a1. Delta_t (in cm^{-1}), a2. tau_v (in s); b. the axial component of the zero field splitting D (in cm^{-1}); c. the rhombic component of the zero field splitting E (in cm^{-1}); d. the a_4 constant (in cm^{-1}); e. the g_{xx} component of the g tensor in the molecular frame; f. the g_{yy} component of the g tensor in the molecular frame; g. the g_{zz} component of the g tensor in the molecular frame; h. the A_{xx} component of the hyperfine coupling tensor (in cm^{-1}); i. the A_{yy} component of the hyperfine coupling tensor (in cm^{-1}); l. the A_{zz} component of the hyperfine coupling tensor (in cm^{-1}); m. the distance d of closest approach for the diffusion relaxation (in A); n. the diffusion coefficient D (in cm^2 s^{-1}); o. the concentration (in M) ; p. the number of inequivalent paramagnetic sites. This number indicates the number of times that the following parameters have to be repeated (one set for each site): I. the nuclear chemical exchange time tau_m (in s); II. the number of interacting nuclei; III. the distance r between the paramagnetic center and the nucleus (in A); IV. the constant of contact interaction a/h (in MHz); V. the angle theta between the z-molecular axis in which the tensors D, g and/or A are diagonal and the I-S vector (in degree); VI. the angle phi between the projection of the I-S vector on the plane of the molecule perpendicular to the z-axis and the x-molecular axis (in degree). In the output file the values of frequency (in MHz) and proton relaxation rate (in s^{-1}), for a plot of the curve, are stored.